Social CRM Followup

Back in march I was probably a little harsh on the social CRM strategy from SAP. After seeing it grow for a couple months, I have the found twitter feed to be somewhat interesting. A lot of the content however is links to blogs, which was lousy on mobile until I got the iphone.

SAP decided to add another interesting blog to this whole area:

The only problem I have now is yet another CRM resource not on SCN.. that is blocked by the corporate firewall. Yes facebook, twitter, blogs are blocked even if they deal with SAP CRM. Luckily for me I have mobile web access via my personal cell phone.

The same problem however with vibrant customer participation I think is still there. Vijay Vijayasankar and myself are working on a solution. The hint is that organization is not there from the general community side within SCN/BPX. There needs to be more than people answers questions on forums for points to have a community.


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