
Showing posts from April, 2013

Ran 1/2 Marathon, Wrote Book, What next?

In the last twelve months, I ran a half marathon and wrote 400+ page technical book on SAP CRM.  The race is over and the book is almost finished, so the question becomes what should I do next.  The reason why I ask this is that before writing the book I decided to step away from the SAP Mentor Program and SCN Moderator.   The issue is that I do want to return, but I don't want to do what I was doing before hand. Before I stepped away, I was serving a moderator for way too many area on SAP CRM on SCN.  There was way too much content to be an effective moderator.  I have decided that if I become an active moderator again, it's going to be for only one or two spaces related to SAP CRM period.  I'm also going to step aside from actively answering questions going forward.  It doesn't mean I won't answer question, but instead I'm going to save my answers for those questions that nobody else will answer or high-level design discussions. Now I know ...